Life Begins With Children

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Our deepest gratitude to Pedro Martinez and the staff from RECLINE for placing their trust in us. Thanks to their collaborations we have been able to start fruitful projects. They have been collaborating since the charity was founded.

Many thanks to Asesoría Pilar en Totana. Specially to Jose Maria Parra Baños for his commitment and expertise whilst officially setting up Life Begins with Children. 

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the following collaborative companies from the Region of Murcia, Spain:

Coninuous support


Many thanks to everyone who has collaborated , especially Pedro lopez Perez. He has provided great ideas to raise funds and is always eager to participate in solidary activities.


We are grateful for the constant support from Domingo Andreo Fernandez and the team from Candil Café who have been with us since the beginning.


Our deepest thanks to Maria Jose Vivancos for her translations and constant support.


Many thanks to Manuela López Campos for her willful support every year.


Thanks to the teachers from Colegio CEIP Juan Navarro and the directing board for their continuous dedication and support.


Many thanks to the children and parents from Colegio CEIP Juan Navarro, AMPA  who are always willing to collaborate. 


We are grateful for the work and support provided by Irene Martinez Martinez for her great ideas and designs which are being used on or website and posters.

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